Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another Thanksgiving, Another Bird

Being a child born of the sixties, I was one of the fortunate generations to have the opportunity to experience the genius of Norman Rockwell (his thanksgiving painting is to the left and for more on him click this parenthetical). He had a way of capturing the American family that solicits imitation, but like the Alamo there will never be another. I don't have a favorite. This is probably due to his body of work over a large number of decades, but given the holiday i found this to be suitable art for the occasion.
It's funny, to me that the family is sitting at the table when the mother figure brings in the turkey. It certainly never works that way around here. Then again, i'd be the not so motherly figure putting out the bird and perhaps that's why. Then you have the father figure "eye balling" that bird like Darren McGavin's character in A Christmas Story. Around here, supplant a pair of teen boys for his role. Then again, my bird won't look like hers. Finally there is no starry eyed young woman hanging on to someones every word. Maybe it's my cologne??
So, i took this buzzard out of the freezer today and it's big. I mean the kind of big where you wonder if it were raised near a nuclear power plant or something. I put it up on the counter so i could make room in the fridge to defrost it and was thinking about what i'm going to do to it. Last year, if i remember correctly i did a burnt skin grilled bird on a spit. Here i am toying with the ideas and suddenly out of nowhere i've got help. EVERYONE IS A FOOD CRITIC!!! smoke it, grill it, roast it, I even got a Coq Au Vin it "except with turkey", he says. I said, "Why don't i bone it, line it with bacon, roasted poblano peppers, and raspberry jam, sew it up and bake it. I got this look from this small group of Food Network rejects that said, "Pardon me, but is that an alien exploding from your chest like in a Ridley Scott film"?? Suddenly an acquiescence from the pack. "Just poach it in butter, garlic, and sage.
For what it's worth, i'm pretty sure i'll bone it and it'll get cooked. Though i'd like to add the jam, i don't think they are up for the challenge. Fruit goes great with anything with feathers, though i've never done anything with fruit and ostrich.
Tomorrow, i'll make a couple of chocolate pecan pies and a couple of pumpkin mousse ones too. If i have any energy left i may make some cream puffs or go ahead and get the bread out of the way
I wish you all a very enjoyable feast with only enough leftovers to satisfy those day after desires and thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts.

Peace Be With You, Dave

1 comment:

  1. If I send you my address, will you send me one of the chocolate pecan pies???? I LOVE!!! pecan pie, but I'm the world's worst pie baker. My brother-in-law is in charge of the turkey for our dinner, it will most likely be deep-fried. I never thought of poaching it with garlic and butter, or roasting it with poblano pepper and jam. You give me great ideas!
