Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Smells like Summer

For as long as i can remember, I have been one of those people that, according to Kant, experiences transcendental episodes created in response to olfactory stimuli. In short, there are certain smells that take me to a place and/or time. Many times it's as though i am living it for the first time.
I would guess the first smell i really remember having these trance-like episodes over was, of all things, a hairspray. It was either Aqua Net or Final Net. I remember it came in a blue can with this kind of net pattern on it. I had a girlfriend that used it and to this day, i still have fond feelings associated with it. Then there is the weird. I absolutely love the smell of skunk. Now, not a heavy smell of skunk, just a light whiff of skunk in the distance. To me it is a peaceful and calming thing.
There are those smells that are straight forward and just stand for something, like; baking bread, babies, a clean bathroom, and leather. Which brings me to my favorite smell of all. I completely love the smell of a woman first thing in the morning. I'm not talking about that whole kitten breath thing. I mean it's not like i've been eating tic tacs all night myself. I'm talking about the smell on her. That warm, maternal, lovely homey smell she has right before she wakes to start her day. The scent of a woman could be a whole post all by itself and yet i doubt i'd deliver justice on the subject. It seems as though i have wandered pretty far from the path, but what can i say, it's just one of those things.
The other day i was at the store, in the produce section, and evidently my smell thing caught up with me. I was standing there with a lug of Village Farms tomatoes smelling them. I was frantically searching for a hint of that earthy smell home grown tomatoes have. While i was smelling them, the woman next to me said, "it's not there." I looked at her and smiled and said, "What's not there?" She said, "That tomato smell you're looking for."
I didn't know anyone was aware of what i was doing, but i had been smelling all of the produce before putting it in my buggy. The funny thing is, she was right. I was looking for that tomato smell.
That dirty, earthy, almost evergreen smell that homegrown tomatoes have just screams summer to me. It takes me back to when i was a kid and my grandmother would have this immense garden filled with all kinds of vegetables and i hadn't yet learned that produce without blemishes or natural odor even existed.
For about the last ten years, or so, i have been container gardening on our patio. This year is no different save the location change which got me started later than i normally would. I have two varieties of tomato, jalapenos, cayenne peppers, some orphaned strawberry plants my mother-in-law gave me, a few garlic, a bed of salad greens and one of carrots and radishes. I may add some green onions to that, but essentially that's it. It's a typical offering from me, but it's the first time in a few years i have planted all of it.
I was admiring my plants yesterday when i came across that familiar tomato smell that i've been longing for. I'm happy to report it smells like summer at my grandmother's.

There is one more plant i am growing this year. It's the Ghost Chili or Bhut Jalokia. It's supposed to be one hot mother. If a Jalapeno is 4-6 thousand Scoville units in heat, i can't imagine what 1.1 million Scovilles is going to be like from this monster. I am planning on drying them out and using them to augment the lack of heat winter jalapenos have i use in our salsa here at the house in the latter months. I'll let you know if i can still taste anything after i try one. In the meantime, it's an attractive plant and doesn't really look like a pepper plant. The leaves aren't shaped right. That is the plant i am holding in the picture above. (The first picture is of one of my tomato plants) Oh, and that piece of glass you see behind me is the top of my solar water distiller. I'm getting a couple cups a day, not quite a quart yet. I'm still tweaking it.
So, there you have it. A somewhat intimate look into one of the things that drives the person i am.
Until i find you again, Peace be with you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Truculent with a subtle touch of recalcitrance

Today i add another ring around the oak that is my life. My leaves are tattered, my trunk is sturdy, and i don't bend like i once did, but i hope the shade i cast is comforting to my family and friends.
I saw some of those friends this past weekend in Dallas. Those few hours reaffirmed just how precious those people are. I am thankful for being entwined such that we are and I love you. I haven't the ability to articulate it any better than that. Rest assured there will always be a branch to hang a swing on.
And in response to the general state of things, i will indeed take a few minutes for myself today. I Promise.
Again, I thank all of you for the enrichment you have brought into my world.
Till we talk again, Peace be with you,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lucha-dedos??? What the hell is that??

Well as you can see by the picture, we have taken thumb wrestling to a whole new dimension. It's funny. The other day i was making my yearly run into Albertson's (yearly, that's a joke) when i saw the stack of gumball machines. Well, to make a long story short, one of them had these luchadores masks in them for thumb wrestling and instantly i knew i had to have a couple because the boys would freak out. Naturally, i was correct and for the next couple of weeks we played with them almost daily. I'd say that's not a bad return on a dollar. Then again how do you put a price on the laughter of children and their contentment.
I am happy to report Track and Field season is over. Yee Haw!!! No more late night trips to the school to get him after meets. Oh Wait, There is Spring Football. The big one is playing Middle Linebacker and Full Back; while the little one is a Defensive End and a Tight End. This is of course for those of you who have a passion for the game. As for me, i go because my kids play.

We had a few unwelcome guests in the house the past few days. I was telling the "Mad Scientist", that's the little one, about the first one and all he could do was ask questions. Was there a fiddle on the cephalothorax and how big were the petapulps?? I told him, all i knew was that it was a brownish spider. He asked me to take a picture if another showed up. Sure i said. After all, i smashed the first one. The next day, sure as thunder, i found a second one, but my picture taking and its longevity didn't have a harmonious climax. However, around seven that evening, i took several shots of this creature pictured at left. I then blew it up on my computer and got an hour long lesson on what cephalothorax and petapulps are. Oh Yeah, and this is a Brown Recluse or Fiddleback spider. The good news is they aren't aggressive and tend not to bite unless they feel threatened, but if they do bite the results can be severe. If you are curious, do a google image for fiddleback spider bite and you'll see what i mean. As for me, i'm just waiting on the bug guy.
We are going to DFW this weekend. I have got to get me some good Chinese food and some sewing needles. Then again, there are quite a number of people i'd like to visit with. It's going to be a short weekend, but i don't believe there is any other kind.
Lastly, the western half of my beloved state has seen a rash of range fires in the last couple of weeks. The pictures and first hand accounts are heart wrenching. I know all too well the devastation range fires can wage on property, livestock, and the people involved by them. My thoughts and prayers are with these people as i will forever be a part of them and they of me. It's little consolation, at this point, but range fires are a part of natures renewal process. I pray the grasses green up quickly.
I lied, lastly, my new phone is supposed to be able to blog to blogger. I'm going to try it out on the trip this weekend. So, if you stop by and find something unusually unintelligible, chalk it up to that.
Until i speak with y'all again, May Peace be with You,