Monday, April 18, 2011

Truculent with a subtle touch of recalcitrance

Today i add another ring around the oak that is my life. My leaves are tattered, my trunk is sturdy, and i don't bend like i once did, but i hope the shade i cast is comforting to my family and friends.
I saw some of those friends this past weekend in Dallas. Those few hours reaffirmed just how precious those people are. I am thankful for being entwined such that we are and I love you. I haven't the ability to articulate it any better than that. Rest assured there will always be a branch to hang a swing on.
And in response to the general state of things, i will indeed take a few minutes for myself today. I Promise.
Again, I thank all of you for the enrichment you have brought into my world.
Till we talk again, Peace be with you,

1 comment:

  1. The shade IS comforting and it comes from our favorite tree:) Happy Birthday again!
