Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello all, how do you like the pic?? Donna has flipped her wig. hahaha, i thought it was cute. We were screwing around with the camera this last weekend and this is one of the snaps i took while reading the book. The focus isn't perfect and the depth of field is too deep, but like i said i'm still reading the book.

I have to admit i'm really looking forward to getting back out to the weeds and take some shots that I have taken before, but i like to revisit things from time to time. One of the shots i am dying to take is a reproduction of a post card my grandfather took of my grandmother and i along the river road. I guess i'll take it with just me cause i like the symbolism of it and then i'll take the same shot with Donna and the boys. Then of course, a whole lot closer to home, i'll have to go to LBJ Grasslands every chance i get and i'm going to the San Jacinto Monument this summer if i have to go by myself.

Ya know it has been six years since we went camping on the Guadalupe near Canyon Lake, so i think it's way past time we went back. We used to go there all the time, but our last trip was kind of a bummer and we stayed away for a while. I think we're ready to go back.
One last thing, I was watching TV today and a commercial came on where they are looking for subjects to test an investigational Bipolar medication. They are looking for people between 18 and 50 with depressive episodes that last for more than a month or those individuals that are hypomanic, something else, or have mixed episodes. Now i know that in these studies they set it up so that neither the patients nor the doctors know who is or is not taking the actual drug and who is taking the placebo. This brought a thought into my pointed little head. In order for a person to begin a new antidepressant medication they have to stop the old one. Okay, so that means that some of these people are going to purposefully go off of their meds and get sugar pills instead. I know clinical trials are important, but do you really want to take bipolar people off of their meds on purpose?? I know there isn't anyone i know that wants me to go off of mine, but it would make for an interesting doctors office. You guys be cool, D
P.S. I'm a huge Deadliest Catch fan and i feel like one of those little old ladies that gets misty when a soap opera character dies, but i sure am going to miss Captain Phil.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Few thoughts on what i know.

My dear old friend Lavender Chick, should i say old??, posted a blog this week about the twenty five things she has learned in her years on this earth. I really enjoyed it. As a friend of mine would say, "It spoke to me". So i have decided to put down a few of the things i have found to be fundamental datums. So, Thanks for the inspiration Lavender Chick and just so's you know, i am using an empty Hummingbird Farms wonder lotion bottle as a dish soap dispenser. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Right??

These are in no particular order, i just put them down as they came to me.

1. Don't settle for something other than what you want. If you want Ro-Tel Tomatos, Del Monte Stewed Tomatos aren't going to cut it.

2. You can be as rich as you want to be in public, but you know how rich you are when you get home.

3. Girls lie, Girls make you feel bad, and Girls can do both at the same time. (If the sexist tone of this bothers you, change gender and see if it doesn't fit)

4. A glass of tea always tastes better when someone else makes it for you.

5. When a doctor gives you advice on the state of things, it is just that; Advice. What you do with it is your choice.

6. Nobody loves the way they look in pictures, just accept how you look.

7. If you like your car and it gets you where you need to go, it's good enough.

8. Nothing is too big when you do it for love.

9. When a child or a parent dies, they are never gone.

10. Rotisserie Chicken, Sun Chips, and Guacamole is the perfect meal.

11. Text messaging is for passing bits of information, Calling is for conversing.

12.Doing something unexpected for someone else makes you feel good.

13. Always have mashed potatos with english peas, the potatos will keep you from having to chase the peas all over your plate.

14. Some friends can be closer than family, they're not a replacement they're a blessing

15. Make time for the things you want to do, nobody else will.

16. Ultimatums rarely work out for those that make them.

17. People are who they are, either work within those parameters or don't, but change is not an option.

18. When dealing with life, the ability to compromise is important, but not as important as not compromising who you are.

19. Always leave room on your list to learn new things.
