Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Simple Case of the Mully-Grubs

I took this picture in mid March of last year. I think it's appropriate for this posting as i am no longer all that enchanted with this winter. This lack of enchantment has me in a bit of a quandary.
For much of my life the winter months have meant sweaters and comfortable food with a splash of seasonal treats thrown in for good measure. This winter has seemed vacant and lonely. A desolate and barren plain without so much as a tumbleweed to break up the topography. I actually caught myself wondering why we ran the Indigenous Peoples off of this land.
Perhaps, i simply have a case of the seasonal mully-grubs. Something that will burn off at the first rays of springtime. It's a nice thought, but for whatever reason i can't seem to shake it. So, we do what we always do and that is to Soldier On!
I have, in my current state, been looking at all of my unfinished projects laying about again. I swear it wasn't six months ago when i last cleaned up all of the loose ends and yet, here i am again. I'd like to think that all creative type people end up with projects that end up being, shall we say...done on an installment basis?? I don't really know. Most all of my creative friends seem to move from one project to the next in this seamless stream of creativity. Boy! Not me! I often have four or five projects going at a time. Some fall out of the rotation as i begin other things and some actually do get finished with some sense of normalcy. I'd love to say that's the rule, but i'd be lying. I finish whichever project gets finished next. The only thing that trumps this is if there is a deadline or a need for something then i'll give it its due.
I did notice a couple of overnight bags i started last August or there abouts that need to be put together. I may clean off some room and put those together. Though, i think i quit working on them because i needed something for them i hadn't found yet. If that turns out to be true, i'll find something. I always do.
Well here's to the trees budding out, the grass greening up and the flowers being back in bloom. May my happy go lucky self return before they do.

Until we speak again, Peace be with You, D


  1. Let me come along side of you, Dave. I can relate in soooo many ways!

    I'm definitely DONE with winter. I'm wearing multiple sweaters, plus wrapping a blanket around me. I'm doing soups, crockpot casseroles, and drinking MULTIPLE cups of hot tea a day, BUT it's just so cold that I can't stay warm. The landscape is gray and white with dull brown patches. I need Spring!

    On the projects, also, I relate. 2 almost finished quilts that I have fallen out of love with, 4 partially started quilts that I can't find all of the pieces that I KNOW I cut out, piles of material with patterns laying on top of them for skirts, tops, and dresses for me, and a pile of mending that multiplies overnight. Oh, and 4 boxes plus 3 big bags of material that various people have "blessed" me with because "we're sure you will find a good use for this". (I need to go through these jewels to decide what can be kept and what is going to find it's way to the nearest thrift store.)

    We may be on separate sides of the nation, but believe me, I'm right beside you!

  2. Thank You T, I really needed to hear that today!!! You gave me a really good giggle. I swear, my hoodie has almost become a uniform in the past couple of months. Have a great day, thanks for the giggle and the regular comments, Dave
