Sunday, July 21, 2013

Part Buffalo, All Dave

Nearly three years ago when we moved to Amarillo, i had it fixed in my head that once i returned to the Dallas area i'd get my Master's Degree. Well, i'm tired of waiting. Earlier this year, i applied to West Texas A&M to enter their Master's Program for English and was accepted. Kinda like, if you can tolerate us, then we'll tolerate you. A month or so later i met with a few of the faculty about a Graduate Assistantship. I haven't heard about that yet, but they won't get all charged up about that for a few more weeks. Providing i survive this evolution, i'll return home to The University of North Texas and their fabulous English Department for my Ph.D. But, that's a whole other show.
I'm really curious as to what school will be like. My earliest experiences with college happened at a small Division III school. I carried a "B" average and never bought a book. I tried this approach at North Texas and it being a Div. I school was an exercise in flawed thought. I remember my first semester there and my books, which i bought on the fourth class day, cost me $500.50 Dollars. You know i let out a mild gasp and the sales clerk didn't even seem to notice. That semester i had 15 novels for a utopic/dystopic literature class and 7 readers for an American fiction class. I'd never read that much in my life and doubt i have since. It was rough, but i learned a hell of a lot and that speaks volumes for the faculty there and like my favorite professor of all time "Haj" said, "you put some work into it too".
Well here's to putting some work back into it. Classes begin on August 26th, so i'm off to clear my head and find my pen. Sorry i haven't posted in so long, but i had a child graduate from high school and I swear i have less time now than i did before. I guess it is time for me to hang up my apron and get back to my stuff. It's just a little difficult shifting gears. Don't mind me, i'll find my feet rest assured.
Till i talk with you again, Peace Be With You, D

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bucket's Heading On

Today is May 6th. In Thirty-Three days, my older son will graduate from Tascosa High School. I'm not sure what I was expecting this time to be like, from Prom to Graduation, but this sure isn't it. I had visions of a generally happy time in which there would be several conversations about what the future might hold for him and how to get there. Boy, was I living in a bubble!
Now, I do know he is experiencing Senioritis and certainly has fears about leaving the nest. These i'd consider to be normal feelings for someone his age. The thing i hadn't counted on is the moodiness that goes with it. Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but i'd love to brain him with a two by and get his attention. I'm sure he'll survive the transition, but will i have any hair left by then is the question. I'm a little short on that already!
I know i do quite a bit of complaining, but all things considered he's a good kid. He's principled, chosen a noble career, and has a great work ethic. I realize things could be a lot worse.
As you might have guessed, he's going to be a Fireman, Firefighter, Calendar Guy, whatever your euphemism, you get the idea. And in case you are wondering, YES, his arms and chest are that big. 6' and a bit and 230lbs! I was going to attach the youtube video of him bench pressing what I weigh a couple times over, but it's not sticking tonight.  He's a gentle giant that will succeed or drive me crazy doing it.
This one is for you Bucket!!! I'm proud of you and I Love you, but i can still kick your ass anytime i want.
Until i visit with you again, May Peace Be With You,  D       a.k.a. Bucket's Dad

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

48 Trips Around and I'm a Bit Dizzy!

This past weekend, I turned 48 years old. I know some people like to church it up and say things like you're only as old as you feel or so many years young, but i can't at this time. Honestly, for the first time in my life i'm feeling a bit my age and its given me a good shake. That's right, Shaken Davey Syndrome!!!
I don't know if it's the anxiety or the hormones or the meds, but something isn't playing well with others. My neck has all the characteristics of a Slinky, but sounds like a Maraca. My body unfolds like a rusty iron gate and i seem to have picked up a new symptom. I guess i got that as a present, cause the crap i live with now isn't fun enough. Now, when i lay down i have vertigo. Overall, vertigo isn't all that bad. I mean it's annoying, but tolerable. With that said, i must put the other piece that goes with it. It only happens to me when i lay down. Yep, that's right, when i lay down i have bouts of falling through the floor or of movement when i'm not moving. Freaky Huh?? The solution is probably a simple one. You know, quit smoking, lose a hundred pounds and stop getting irritated at people. Yeah, i could do that, but i'm pretty sure i'd spontaneously combust in the grocery store. All this aside, i really could be a lot worse off. So, enough whining for now.
For my birthday, my oldest and dearest friend in the whole wide world came up for the weekend. It was amazing having the Sarge around the guys for the weekend. They didn't know whether to scratch their watches or wind their butts. It was great fun.
I'm thinking the calendar is beginning to bite him in the ass too. I actually watched him sit in a chair and be comfortable not doing anything. What's even more surprising than that is he layed on the couch and watched a movie from start to finish without getting up to walk around.
When we made plans for him to come visit, he had only one request and that was to take us out for a steak dinner on him. He said about a million times, "find a good steak joint, i wanna take y'all out". So, we put out the feelers to the locals and got two options: Hoffbrau or The Big Texan. Since Hoffbrau, at best, is a B- steak joint, we opted for The Big Texan. (authors intrusion: I could write a good half dozen posts on this place) What i will say is this; he ate half his steak, she ate half of hers, i ate the horn and the strip around the bottom of my prime rib and gave the eye to my big kid. No, the portions weren't too big (though ample), it's that it became a labor to eat. Who ever heard of prime rib that is tough at a steak house that is nationally ranked?? I felt bad, so i made him ribs the next day.
Well, he went home and life returned to what it is. It was a pretty good birthday all things considered. I mean nobody blew anything up or had their compound stormed or was caught up in a mass shooting. I have to admit with all the history of April 19th, i'm pretty happy when nothing overly horrible happens on that day.
Now, onward through to the next...
Till i post again, Peace be with you, D

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Quail Eggs and Pork Bellies

 I was drug here, almost to the day 27 months ago, kicking and screaming like a bratty ass five year old jacked up on Skittles and Starbucks. In all this time, i have tried to give Amarillo the benefit of the doubt. For instance: This is a major center for beef packing, so naturally i believed I'd be able to buy really nice beef here. WRONG! I don't know where the good stuff goes, but it isn't here. (Not even to the boutique butcher shops)  My one hard and fast criteria for moving here was there be one good Chinese place. Again, Donner assured me this place was littered with them and certainly one of them had to be good. (Or Not!) Finally, i love my produce. I want a reasonable selection that's been taken care of where i don't feel like I'm wasting my money and should just get the frozen variety. To say I'd lost that lovin' feelin' a few times would be more than fair.
It was during one of these low times, i discovered Meyer Lemons at the local grocery store. They had two bags and it was pure reflex that i grabbed them both. I instantly ran down the list of fish and picked my top five. Well five turned to four and so on... Lastly, i was left with a sad little block of frozen flounder. A little butter, white pepper, and i got my poach on. At last, I lived to eat another day. Within a few days that dozen Meyer's were a memory. Slowly, the sudden glow of sunshine on my culinary adventures here began to cloud over. Once again, i was back to the same ol', same ol'.
During the rest of last year, i kept an eye out for the occasional "treat", but alas i was left wanting. When we took a trip to Ruidoso, i wanted to pack a lunch basket with some reasonable water ham and Jarlsberg. Three deli counters in town and all three asked what that was. It boggles the mind! In their defense, they did know what Swiss cheese was.
Once again, i had all but given up on this town. I'd begun to make peace with the mundane and lack of anything remotely different. Then i spent ten days out in civilization.
Oh joy of joys!!! I had great Chinese four times, hell, maybe five. I bought romaine hearts and we had a great chicken salad. It felt like i was being shown sunlight for the very first time! Then like all good things, it ended. I came home and locked myself away from the world until I'd had a sufficient amount of time to sulk. Personal sulk time is highly under-rated!
As i was coming out of my funk, i had to go to the store and both boys just had to come with me. I swear, the fascination with going to the store eludes me. (I've probably written about this part before, so please forgive me.) While at the store, one of the boys was climbing up my neck in the way only a teenage boy can. He wanted to help and so i told him to go ask the produce guy at The Devilstore where the blood oranges were. I knew this was a safe one and he'd be gone for a while. Or Not!!!
Yeah, they had them alright. so i got two bags and went home and enjoyed the moment. They hadn't really ripened enough, but they were quite lovely still. That happened around the middle of January.
Two weeks later, we were at the store and discovered they had Cara Cara's. SCORE!!! It appeared that i was in a rally of foods i had written off for this hamlet. Then last week i had to go to the doctor.
Don't be alarmed, it's something that happens from time to time. I have been watching this one piece of skin on my hand and it just kept getting angrier and angrier. So, i took a couple of pics and sent them to my Homegirl Bubbles for an opinion. She's got her game ON in this department. So, on her advice, i went to get it checked out and we'll see, but in the meantime, i did get to have a great conversation with my doctor.
He's originally from Corpus Christi. I told him he should have been a girl because some of the prettiest girls I've ever seen came out of Corpus.
Anyway, he and i have this familiarity between us. He asked if i had been to the new market yet and i asked him, "What market?"
He filled my ears with visions of OZ!!! So, naturally i had to go there Saturday. I'd love to say he was mistaken, but he was not. Their produce department is awesome. Who'd have thunk you could get whole bamboo shoots and fresh basil and green mangoes and even pudding fruit in Amarillo.
As if that weren't enough, their meat is pretty good and reasonably priced. I did help myself to some quail eggs while i was there, but i left the pig uterus for someone else. One of the best things i saw that day were whole redfish and their eyes were still clear. I will be back on grocery days that's for sure. The only thing that bothered me about the whole experience was, quite petty but, they had twelve different types of preserved duck eggs and even packages of duck egg yolks, but they didn't have a single fresh duck egg in the place. If they can solve that i think i might just have a love here afterall.

Until i visit with you again, Peace Be With You, D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Can I Get The Recipe??

"Can I get the recipe?", has to be the greatest single inverse in any kitchen. Let me attempt to clarify what i mean by inverse. For instance; you eat something you really enjoy and you ask your friend, mom, sister,etc for the recipe. This is the easy part and trust me when i say it's quite flattering when it's your recipe being asked for. Remember, this is the easy part. Now, let's put some context to this as an aid in producing a clearer understanding of why writing down the recipe is hard.
Okay, so you've asked for the recipe and i'm going to give it to you in exchange for you telling me how you manage to keep your house clean all week with kids and work, or how you keep your feet so soft, or how you get all of the things done in a day and still have the energy to go out that night. The simple answer is; it's a process.
We all have processes we have fine tuned over the years. The reason we are successful with these is we have found what works for us and what doesn't. Clearly if it didn't work for us, we'd stop doing it. Except laundry! Laundry doesn't work for me, but i can't seem to stop trying. After all  I like clean clothes. So, in order for you to better understand the process i use to create dinners like this, there are a few things you need to have laying about in your kitchen. The bad news is it'll add a few bucks to your grocery budget, but the good news is you'll have it on hand when you want something like this again.
I tend to keep the following, among other things, for just this purpose: sesame seeds, sesame oil (dark), garlic & chili paste, soy sauce, and a piece of fresh ginger in the freezer (in an airtight container or it'll end up smelling like feet. YUK!!!). Oh yeah, and rice of course. I use the cheap rice, or Basmati or Jasmine if i get it from the Asian market. It's much cheaper there than at the grocery store and i usually get a BAG of rice. I keep it in an airtight container and it'll last forever if you are careful. I know some of you prefer using boxed rice because it's easier and that's fine, but for those of you a bit more adventuresome, I'll include a Rice Recipe right now.
HOW TO MAKE RICE THAT DOESN'T COME IN A BOX: Measure out two measures of water and one measure of rice. Bring the water to a good boil and dump in the rice and stir to cook the starch on the outside of the rice. Keep the heat on and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally for five minutes. At the end of five minutes, remove from heat and put a lid on it. The rice will be ready in twenty minutes. That's it. Rice the hard way.
I know, you are asking what "measure"????? Trust me when i say it doesn't matter. The only thing you need to keep in mind is the amount you want. The finished product will be, more or less, the volume of three measures. So you could use a measuring cup, a coffee cup, a tea glass, whatever, as long as it's about 1/3 of the amount you want to make.
You'll need a meat and some veggies. Pretty much the same as if you were doing a normal meal. I'll leave that math up to you.
This is what i used. 4 chicken breasts, a can of water chestnuts, some sugar peas in the hull, regular onion and green onion, mushrooms, and bamboo shoots. Now i made this in my little wok one plate at a time, but you could do it as a skillet meal no sweat.
Set up your cutting board and cut your chicken into bite sized pieces. Clean the board and knife and do the same for the veggies you intend on using. Put everything into it's own bowl for making one plate at a time or the chicken in one bowl and the veggies in another if you are doing it as a skillet. When everything is ready, reach in your silverware drawer and grab a tablespoon. Toss a table spoon of corn starch in enough water to  make a liquid resembling milk. I have a funny story of just how much it does resemble milk, but i'll spare you, for now. Lastly, you'll need a glass of water just in case.
Make sure you have everything ready and available and this will be really easy.
Put a little Vegetable oil in your skillet and brown up that chicken. When the chicken is about done, throw in a tablespoon (remember the kitchen drawer, this is not a measurement) of the garlic & chili paste. Don't go crazy if you are squeamish about the heat. Get that stirred in so everything is coated nicely and dump your veggies on top and start to stir them top to bottom. (Side Note: if you have carrots or green beans put them in right after the chili paste and before the rest of the veggies as they need a little more time to cook). As everything starts smelling good, take your bottle of soy sauce and sprinkle it over the top of the whole mess. If i had to guess, i'd say a good tablespoon or two or three depending on how saucy you want it. It's going to steam up on you some and so you stir-stir-stir. The sizzle will die down. As the heat returns, you'll start smelling your veggies. When it all starts smelling really good, give your corn starch liquid a quick stir and add a tablespoon or two of that and stir like mad. If it seems like your sauce is too thick or has turned to plastic, add a couple tablespoons of water and stir like made. If it's too thin, add more of the mixture and stir. It's easy to tell when corn starch has cooked, it goes from being opaque to translucent.
At this point you are basically done. Take a plate and put rice on it, put your stir fry on top of that and garnish with green onions or sesame seeds or not. It's all up to you.
If it doesn't turn out the way you like the first time, don't beat yourself up. I'm sure you have a signature dish people love and they love it because you have spent years perfecting the, that's right, process. Every time you make this it will be slightly different and always better than the last.
Okay, so how does this really work?? Pick a protein and a couple of vegetables and a flavoring you'd like to have. You can use shrimp, beef, pork (keep beef and pork thin to cook quickly), chicken, fake crab, tofu (if you are into that whole Xeno-Estrogen thing). Next Pick your veggies, the sky is the limit here and pick your flavoring. garlic, chili, ginger, orange, peanut butter, bean paste, fish sauce, too many to list.
What you'll end up with is a mind staggering number of possibilities from one simple little dish. Another one of the benefits of this is it cooks quickly and the clean up is wholly reasonable. I don't know about you, but there are some nights i don't even want to think about it, but it has to be done. On most other days, i'm still pretty good with In, Done, and Out.
Remember, pick a meat, pick veggies, and pick a flavor. It's just that simple.

Till we talk again, Peace be with You. D

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Superhero In Search Of His Cape

I'm laying here with no particular thesis in mind. I seem to be stuck somewhere between "Ramble On" and "On The Road".  I assure you I am neither a Plant nor a Kerouac. I am a Truculent Grey-eyed fool playing my part on the grandest stage of all.
My elder son is a Senior in High School and will graduate in June. I have to admit, i'm a bit uneasy with the impending change looming on the horizon. In many ways, he's ready. Though, i can't help but worry about the choices he'll make in the early years after leaving the nest. He's a great kid and has chosen an honorable profession. One in which i think his demeanor and athleticism will serve him well; he'll be a Fireman. I guess it's still allowable to call them Firemen and not some super politically correct euphemism like, an onsite extrication, recovery, and incendiary containment specialist..
I believe, my shenanigans aside, i like Fireman the best!
Easy ladies, but here is a picture of the budding super hero.....

Growing up, as many of us know (though i don't really fit the description), is a perplexing time filled with wonder. As in, I wonder what i'll be when i grow up. Which has been the biggest challenge of my life to date.
I once asked my Grandfather, "Papa, how do you know what you'll be when you grow up?" To which he replied, "Many years from now you'll be cleaning out your desk for the last time and taking stuff home you've never taken before. At that moment, you'll look back and know what you were when you grew up."
You know, that was about all of the "what do you want to be when you grow up?" advice i ever remember getting. In the context of today, it's really not bad advice considering all of the people who work several jobs during their lifetime. For me, it wasn't that i didn't know what i wanted to be, rather it was that i wanted to be too many things; many of which were completely ridiculous. Now, i'm not talking about the run of the mill ridiculous like deciding at twenty to be a Rock Star or a "C" student who is weak in math that wants to be an Astronaut. (Guilty) What i'm talking about is something like; I want to be an Oceanographer! and the only ocean i'd seen was on TV. I still love Jacques Cousteau! Also from a tender age i wanted to be a Writer/Photographer. You say "That doesn't sound ridiculous". Well, let me tell you, i might as well have had aspirations of being the King of England. (More on that in a future post if i think about it.)
The point here is that when i was growing up we never talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I don't know if that led me to where i'm at today or if it were simply the choices i've made or a combination of the two. Be that as it may, I did talk to the boys about it. I asked them often and no matter how ridiculous their responses, at the time. I never beat them up about their choices. What i did do was to ask them how they applied to other jobs in the field. I always left them with a question. For instance: let's say they wanted to fry an egg. I'd ask them if frying an egg was all they wanted to do with it. I'd ask them if they'd like to make an omelette or possibly learn to make custard. The lesson here is about flexibility and being able to roll with the punches that life throws at us without becoming bitter and cynical.
In the short go, it has led to both of my guys knowing where they want to be ten years after graduation. Now, those of us with enough ground under our boots know that life has a way of steering you, but in the meantime they are both on a good course.
So, to tidy up the end of this visit i'll say that my little super hero will be attending EMT classes this Fall or the Fire Academy. Since he'll only be eighteen, there is a chance he won't be selected for the Fire Academy this year. Until he is though he'll be satisfying the other requirements for the job he seeks. I am proud of him, but in our Viking home it only counts when you cross the finish line.

Until we speak again, Peace be with You, Dave

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Simple Case of the Mully-Grubs

I took this picture in mid March of last year. I think it's appropriate for this posting as i am no longer all that enchanted with this winter. This lack of enchantment has me in a bit of a quandary.
For much of my life the winter months have meant sweaters and comfortable food with a splash of seasonal treats thrown in for good measure. This winter has seemed vacant and lonely. A desolate and barren plain without so much as a tumbleweed to break up the topography. I actually caught myself wondering why we ran the Indigenous Peoples off of this land.
Perhaps, i simply have a case of the seasonal mully-grubs. Something that will burn off at the first rays of springtime. It's a nice thought, but for whatever reason i can't seem to shake it. So, we do what we always do and that is to Soldier On!
I have, in my current state, been looking at all of my unfinished projects laying about again. I swear it wasn't six months ago when i last cleaned up all of the loose ends and yet, here i am again. I'd like to think that all creative type people end up with projects that end up being, shall we say...done on an installment basis?? I don't really know. Most all of my creative friends seem to move from one project to the next in this seamless stream of creativity. Boy! Not me! I often have four or five projects going at a time. Some fall out of the rotation as i begin other things and some actually do get finished with some sense of normalcy. I'd love to say that's the rule, but i'd be lying. I finish whichever project gets finished next. The only thing that trumps this is if there is a deadline or a need for something then i'll give it its due.
I did notice a couple of overnight bags i started last August or there abouts that need to be put together. I may clean off some room and put those together. Though, i think i quit working on them because i needed something for them i hadn't found yet. If that turns out to be true, i'll find something. I always do.
Well here's to the trees budding out, the grass greening up and the flowers being back in bloom. May my happy go lucky self return before they do.

Until we speak again, Peace be with You, D

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Un-Home for the Holidays

Traveling during a Holiday is nerve wracking. When you have an anxiety disorder, traveling during a Holiday is compounded by the irrational mental aggregate. So, naturally, I was thrilled to death to head out for a ten day jaunt at sunrise on Christmas Eve. (The picture at the left was taken that morning. It did however take me four hours to get it posted to FB due to sketchy cell coverage on the Nations Largest 4G Wireless Network,,,SNORT!!!)
I did my best to nap on the first leg of the trip; from Amarillo to Denton. I had to stop in Denton first at the Denton Sewing Center, it's a moral imperative. As i figured, everyone in the place had changed in the year and a half since i had seen them, but it was great seeing them again. It felt to me like we picked up where we left off. Good friends are like that they say. I have to thank my adopted brother Jason for sharpening my scissors while i was there. Boy did they need it. There were a couple of missing bodies, but i had a real nice visit with Deb and Paul. Is it just me or is there never enough time on a trip to really visit everyone appropriately??
We left Denton and headed to Flower Mound to visit my Mother-in-Law. She's a great gal, but her cat was giving my allergies fits. We spent a couple of days there and had Christmas dinner and all that, like ya do. While we were there, we took the older son Zacky Snacky out to The Colony where one of our friends is a Fire Captain and he got the grand tour. I figured we'd drop him off and pick him up later, but it didn't work out that way. We spent the vast majority of the day standing around while he talked shop with all the firemen. Since you ask, Yes, i do know several women who would have volunteered to take him and wait inside for him. I guess for some people there's nothing better than a walking talking group of calendar pages. The best part of the whole time was seeing him get all excited about what they do and how comfortable he felt with those men. It did me good to see him realize his decision was going to be something that truly interested him. Yep, just a little proud.  I didn't get to do what i had set out to do that day, but the next it was a different story.
The next day i had a very long lunch with three very lovely ladies. I know, I know, But Dave, don't you always have lunch with lovely ladies?? Yes, Yes I do. However, It had been far too long since i had seen these three. I have to say there are things about that lunch i will take with me all the days of my life. I know it sounds cliche', but i really mean it. It would be impossible to have that lunch again. There isn't enough magic in the world to recreate that moment and for that I truly thank you girls.
Later that night we dropped by the Fire Captains house and visited with he and his lovely wife. There is that lovely word again, sorry, but they are all lovely. It was great to catch up. I miss seeing them too. He's funny and an all around good guy and she's equally funny, loud, ornery, and she reads. What's not to like?? I guess i just never realized how much of a life i had made in the Dallas area, but i do now and it makes me a little sad. And with that, we move along. We got up the next morning and headed for Houston with our hair on fire. READERS DIGEST VERSION: They got married, we took over 400 pictures. The End.(Who has a wedding with no alcohol??) Avanzar...
Okay, so we left Houston and there is a Bucee's on 45 I had seen on the way down. I have a friend that raves about something called Beaver Nuggets from there and i had to stop and try them for myself. I love food, that's just how i roll. So, I got a couple bags of them and really they are a lot like Pop's cereal with a honey/maple glaze on them. Wow Dude, i'm in love. Seriously, i wanted to get a bowl and fill it with them and almond milk. So glad we stopped, Thanks David for sharing that.
Once back in Dallas, I made a few repairs around the mom-in-laws house and basically waited for the weather to clear up. If you thought i was nervy traveling on a Holiday, wrap this one on your brain: Snowing on New Years Eve. Nope, just wasn't going to get out to drive. We had made some plans for NYE, but either my new med or something else made me green around the gills, so we stayed in. I was a tad forlorn, but i wasn't about to get anyone else sick. No Typhoid Mary for me thanks.
On the way home, we stopped in Denton once again. It was lunch time and i was dying to see if Chinatown Cafe was still a good place to eat. When we went in i was a little nervous as they had remodeled since the last time we'd been in, but then i looked up and saw Arturo. I had gotten to know he and his brother and the woman that would become his brothers wife while i was going to North Texas. It was reassuring to see a familiar face and just like that I saw Lupe. He and I became friends during that same time period and quite frankly i was surprised to see him. The decor may have changed, but the people and the food only got better. Either that or i was really hungry which is always a possibility.
We finally got home just after dark, and i breathed a sigh of relief to be home. I opened the door and went inside and my first thought was, dang 65 degrees sure is cold. I had turned the thermostat to 65 before we left to save on electricity. So I marched over to the thermostat to turn it up to 74 and noticed the readout said the temperature inside was 47. What the hell?? While we were gone, the blower motor burned out. Yee Haw!!! So, four days on space heaters, but they got it fixed yesterday. I would imagine after all that time on those space heaters i'll have a January electric bill that will be free to a good home if any of you are interested.
At any rate, the Holidays are over and I survived to annoy another day. I'm planning on having the house cleaned up by tomorrow evening and the world should return to normal on Monday. I sincerely hope you all had a great Holiday and enjoy a wonderful new year.
Until i write again, Peace Be With You, D