Friday, October 19, 2012

Trouble with Married Single Parents

There's been a great length of time in my life where i've been the defacto complaint department for a diverse group of people. They include family, friends, and even the occasional stranger while i'm standing in line at the store. for years, I've found this to be an honorable position. Naturally, i must have something of value to offer if they habitually come to me for advice. Lately though, the varnish has begun to lose its luster. I mean, really, how can i offer anyone advice on anything while i'm screaming at the clouds, "Why do I feel like the butler in my own damn house"?? I swear there are days that were i the family dog, my family would be reported for cruelty to an animal. Don't mind me, i'm probably pre-menstrual. I don't expect life to be ideal or anything like that, but with seventeen years in I never thought i'd feel like this either. 
You know every now and again, when you need it the most, life drops a sugar cube in your hand and says, "This ought to sweeten it up a bit." This time the "Sugar Cube" took the form of a paper i copied while i was at the University of North Texas. I'll get to it here in a minute, but first i want to preface it a tad. 
I am going to transcribe the paper below here in a few lines. I didn't author it and i am unable to be certain of just who the author was. I wish i could as they definitely deserve the writing credit on this one. Also, I realize i'm throwing a number of my friends under the proverbial bus and naturally i will still be here to do what i've always done. This post is intended to help all of us in our day to day. God knows I sure could stand to remember the first and penultimate ones of the second half; Every damn day.
So here it is:

  • The age or stage of development your children are in
  • The way you were raised
  • Whether the stoplight turns red or green
  • How fast other cars are driving
  • The number of hours in a day
  • Other people
  • Your age
  • When work or a project takes much longer than expected
  • The Calendar
  • Being laid off from a job
  • Messes made right after you have cleaned the house
  • Your reaction to others
  • Your to-do list and the number of items on it
  • How your day is spent
  • Your goals
  • Your self esteem and self worth
  • How you treat others
  • Your exercise and eating habits
  • The communication of your needs to others
  • Telling people when you're stressed, need time alone, or help with projects
  • Whether or how much you smoke or drink alcohol
  • How old you act
  • The way you raise your children
There you have it. I don't remember what was happening the day i discovered this, but it spoke to me and i hope it speaks to you as well. Whether you are a married single parent or just your average everyday exceptional (anyone who reads me has to be of an exceptional nature) human being, i feel strongly there is something you can take away from this.
I promise, my next post in a day or so will be about kitchen towels on the cheap.
Till then, Peace be with you, D


  1. I LOVE!!! this list, Dave! I'm printing it out and may make several copies.

    I just recently told my 34 yr old son to get over how bad his life had been and do something about making it better. (His biological parents are stuck in the 60s and create some interesting scenes for us to clean up.)

    Being able to stay home now and getting to be the "maid" and babysitter is one of my greatest joys and biggest frustrations. Have a great day!

  2. Perfect...
    After all these years of trying to control the world, I finally realized the only person I can control is myself!(Mostly). It took a while for me to accept this. Another lesson I've also learned is to give people a break, one never knows what cross they have to bear.

    I'll check out the auto parts store, thanks for your wisdom.
