Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello all, how do you like the pic?? Donna has flipped her wig. hahaha, i thought it was cute. We were screwing around with the camera this last weekend and this is one of the snaps i took while reading the book. The focus isn't perfect and the depth of field is too deep, but like i said i'm still reading the book.

I have to admit i'm really looking forward to getting back out to the weeds and take some shots that I have taken before, but i like to revisit things from time to time. One of the shots i am dying to take is a reproduction of a post card my grandfather took of my grandmother and i along the river road. I guess i'll take it with just me cause i like the symbolism of it and then i'll take the same shot with Donna and the boys. Then of course, a whole lot closer to home, i'll have to go to LBJ Grasslands every chance i get and i'm going to the San Jacinto Monument this summer if i have to go by myself.

Ya know it has been six years since we went camping on the Guadalupe near Canyon Lake, so i think it's way past time we went back. We used to go there all the time, but our last trip was kind of a bummer and we stayed away for a while. I think we're ready to go back.
One last thing, I was watching TV today and a commercial came on where they are looking for subjects to test an investigational Bipolar medication. They are looking for people between 18 and 50 with depressive episodes that last for more than a month or those individuals that are hypomanic, something else, or have mixed episodes. Now i know that in these studies they set it up so that neither the patients nor the doctors know who is or is not taking the actual drug and who is taking the placebo. This brought a thought into my pointed little head. In order for a person to begin a new antidepressant medication they have to stop the old one. Okay, so that means that some of these people are going to purposefully go off of their meds and get sugar pills instead. I know clinical trials are important, but do you really want to take bipolar people off of their meds on purpose?? I know there isn't anyone i know that wants me to go off of mine, but it would make for an interesting doctors office. You guys be cool, D
P.S. I'm a huge Deadliest Catch fan and i feel like one of those little old ladies that gets misty when a soap opera character dies, but i sure am going to miss Captain Phil.


  1. Look forward to seeing that reproduction of the old postcard! From the looks of the action shot of Donna's hair, I would say you are well on your way to some awesome photography.

    Also, regarding the clinical trial (I'm sort of in that line of work), the patients that enter the study would have to be those that have either never been treated before, or those that have taken other similar meds but either did not respond or could not tolerate. The FDA doesn't allow, in clinical trials, patients to be taken off meds and possibly placed on placebo if they are currently at control levels on their current medication and/or responding well to their medication. Placebo controlled studies are only approved for recruitment if standard of care has not yet been established in the particular patient population in which they are studying. Hope that makes sense....

  2. Oh Deb, Deb, Deb. Yes, your explanation of test groups made perfect sense and i didn't know that the FDA doesn't allow placebo testing on people that are already responding to treatment. Kinda cool to know actually. What i was alluding to was a group of BiPolar people, such as myself, getting into a survey and half of them going off meds to see whether or not the other half are responding to meds. I mean, this half of the room is fairly normal and this half has inexplicable behaviour. It was meant to be a funny. It never occurred to me that it could be taken as anything else. Sorry i wasn't clearer on this one. Now i have this akward feeling, did i take my pills today?? ;-} Thanks, D

  3. Hi, Dave! I came over from Lavender Chick's blog. I just read through your posts back to the beginning of the year. I kinda like your take on life!

    By the way, I love the quilt that shows in your "Stuff I've Made" slideshow! Very nicely done! I sew (mostly for family) and quilt (exclusively for family), also. Do you do your own designing or do you piece different patterns together to come up with your dresses?

  4. Hello Theresa,
    You know coming here after Lavender Chick is like having dessert first and the brussels sprouts last, but thank you and Welcome. I know what you mean about quilting. When i first started piecing things that actually went together i thought it would make really cool gifts. I don't know if you have this problem or not, but by the time i get through with a quilt i'm attached to it and i never want to let it go. I can be terribly stingy i guess...LOL
    As for the designing part, That's one of those questions like; how do you make your brown gravy? You know there are several ways to do it and the environment tends to dictate whether you use a packet, beef stock, consumme... I kind of sew the same way. I have a lane cedar chest that is chock full of clothes patterns. Some i have used (in whole or in part)and some i picked up because they were a buck a piece and thought i might use that one day. Yes, i do mix and match pattern pieces, sleeves, yokes, collars, you name it. I have my "orphan" box, that's what i call it. It contains all of the various pattern pieces that belong to a pattern that i used for something else and no longer have the original pattern and then i have my poster board folder. In the poster board folder i have all of my hand made patterns. I have a pattern for everything from those wine gift bags that were so big a few years back to the seat covers on my bucket chairs. Look for a blog on those this spring as the trial ones i made worked so well i never made the good ones, but they are getting old and i'm sure i'll be replacing them this year.
    What was the question again?? Just kidding, i do a little bit of it all. I'll plan to skip over and give your blog a read. Sure glad you stopped by. Take care of yourself and i'll try to say something nice when i comment on yours... evil grin, D

  5. Okay - so I still kind of struggle with "getting the joke". Yeah - now I know what you meant!
