Thursday, December 30, 2010
Go West Young Man...

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Donner makes Director in Yeller Texas

Friday, October 22, 2010
Oreo and Milky move in
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pen Pals are not Anachronistic
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Mosque, The Wall, and what the Faux News Saw.
I have been branded a Liberal. A bleeding heart, commie loving, anti-American sap that is enabling those who drain the life force out of our country one entitlement at a time. Here, i will attempt to explain why i am not a bleeding heart Liberal and i'm not a Democrat and i'm not a Republican, nor am i aligned in a straight party manner with anyone. I am, however, a free thinker and i believe as i believe. I am a Christian, though i'm a Catholic and there are those that just don't see the two as being connected. As far as being a Catholic, no, i don't uphold all of the beliefs the church would have me to. Finally, Yes, i am a man. I know i don't have cocktails with the guys at topless bars or watch sports or never let anyone see me cry. If that's what it takes to be a man, i wouldn't want to be.
So, let's get to it:
Death Penalty: There are some people in this world that probably should be put to death, but that job was filled well before any of us got here.
Abortion: The argument over this only concerns the two people involved and the person providing the service. Imposing your beliefs on someone in the name of God, negates the very thing you profess.
Governmental Size: Yes, i would like the size of the government to be scaled back. A bunch.
Right to Bear Arms: Unless the Constitution has changed recently, it's the right to bear arms in a militia. I don't see anything wrong with Deer Rifles, Shotguns, even most pistols, but who needs a weapon designed to kill people en masse to go hunting.
Gays in the Military: It's an all volunteer military. If they are willing and do their job, then that is all that should matter. (side note: women in combat rolls. Same rule, if they are willing and they can do the job, Hell Yes!!! see also: Lyudmila Pavlichenko)
Gay Marriage/Civil Unions: Here again, this only concerns the people involved and the person officiating.
okay, so you have an idea of where i'm coming from. Now for the official reason behind my opinion on the tortilla curtain and the NYC ground zero mosque.
The Chinese built a wall to keep the hordes out. While it makes really nice post cards, the invading hordes got over the wall. OH Wait, correction, they didn't make it over the wall, they walked in through the gate. Don't believe me though, google it. Okay, so how will they walk through the tortilla curtain?? Yeah, like none of us ever drank before we turned 21. The prevalence of false entry documents will go up to a point where they (the U.S. Government) will more than likely issue us citizenship cards. You know the kind with biometric information or DNA or at the very least something trackable. Okay, now i'm a nut, a conspiracy theorist of the first order. They have tried before to give us citizenship cards, but don't believe me; google it.
As for the Mosque, is it better to not build it so close to where so many died at the hands of Muslim Extremists? Is it really a slap in the face to all those people that died that day? On the other hand, is it a much larger statement to the world by building it? Would we not be showing those extremist factions that our core belief in the Freedom of Religion has not been corrupted by them. That our resolve to live in a free society can not be brought down by zealotry and murder?
Maybe now is the time to remember to turn the other cheek and one of my favorites, Luke 23:34 Judge not...
It's for the record, i'm just sayin.
Be good to each other even when you don't understand what the other person's problem is. Dave
Monday, July 26, 2010
Brain Surgery for Luck

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Asian Chicken in a Crockpot
Until next time, Provecho, Dave
Asian Chicken in a Crockpot
about 4 Lbs of Chicken, 12oz jar of Teriyaki Baste and Glaze, 20oz Can of chunk Pineapple, 3T Garlic Chili Sauce, 1T Sriracha (Rooster Blood) hot sauce, 1T Sesame Oil, 5T Lite Soy Sauce, 1T Garlic Powder, A good Finger of Fresh Ginger, 1/2 a Medium Onion roughly chopped, 1/2 oz Toasted Sesame Seeds, 4T Jelly or Jam*, 2T Roux**
Peel the Ginger Root and cut a section out of the middle equal to about 2/3 of your finger of ginger. Rough chop the ends and julienne the center piece (cut like little match sticks). Drain the pineapple and reserve the juice. I make this in the crock pot, but i guess you could make it in a dutch oven or other large pot. Empty the contents of the Teriyaki Baste and Glaze in the crock pot. Swirl just enough water in the bottle to get most of what is clinging to the sides. In a blender combine, the rough chopped ginger, 1/3 of the chunk pineapple and its juice, chili sauce, Sriracha, Sesame oil, Soy Sauce, Garlic powder, 1/2 the Sesame seeds, Jam, and Roux and blend until foamy and pretty smooth. Add to crock pot and stir together well. Add chicken to crock pot by pushing each piece down into the sauce until you have it all in or full. You should still have the reserved 2/3 julienne ginger, 2/3 of the pineapple chunks, and 1/2 of the sesame seeds. Cover these and put in the refrigerator. Cook on high till internal temp is at least 180F. I generally put this on in the morning and it's done when i'm ready in the evening. Fifteen minutes or so before serving, add in the reserved Ginger and Pineapple. Serve over rice or noodles and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Makes quite a lot of food.
*Jam note: use most any of the lighter colored or citrusy(citrusie, citrus-ish) jams or jellies, apricot, plum, even marmalade, but stay away from strawberry and grape YIKES!!!
**Roux: mix equal parts of flour and oil in a skillet and brown the mixture on medium heat. This takes a little while, but don't rush it. If you don't want the hassle just add plain flour to the mix when it's cold, but then again it's only in here to give the sauce a little more body.
Well there it is. More often than not, i'll make this up in my crock pot the day before and throw the whole thing in the refrigerator. The next morning i'll pull it out and turn it on. It sounds like a lot of hassle, but it really isn't. Just remember to throw the reserved pineapple and ginger in before you cook your rice or noodles and then everything will be ready together.
If you have a problem or don't understand something let me know. Please, do comment if you give it a whirl and let me know how it turned out. Hell, leave me a comment if you don't or if there is a different recipe you are looking for.
You guys be good and enjoy, Dave
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Ugly Blog
Thursday, July 8, 2010
a few thoughts through bloodshot eyes
I am reminded of the great Earl Pitts as i sit here pecking out this first thought. I can imagine his wildly ethic accent bellering, "You know what makes me sick?? You know what makes me want to gouge out Shamu's eyeballs and glue them to my forehead before i head to the pool??". (((If you aren't familiar with Earl Pitts, STOP HERE and search him on youtube.com and come back.))) Well, i'll tell you what makes me sick. It happens nearly everyday. I will check my email and see something like the following in my inbox; Fwd: fwd: FwD: fWd:fwd:fwd:fwd:fwd: etc...
I hate forwarded emails. There are a couple reasons for this. More often than not, it turns out to be some joke someone found amusing and felt they'd share, a human interest or politically oriented chunk of malarkey that a simple fact check shows to be erroneous at best or some seemingly harmless prayer gift or request that requires you to pass it on to six hundred others or you will be damned to an eternity of fire. Generally, i just delete them, but i always look at the beginning to make sure i'm not missing anything important. It is a horrible nuisance. Now i know what you are going to say and i hear it often. "Dave, they send these to you to let you know that you crossed their mind". Okay, so that may be true, but if that is the case i'd rather get an email that simply says, I thought of you today. That would mean more to me than all the joke email in the world. However, the type of mail that gets forwarded isn't the only thing that really bugs me. When people forward emails, they simply click forward, click on the people they want to send it to and then click send. This sounds simple enough and it is, but it comes with a price. I value my privacy and i live a pretty reclusive lifestyle. Personally, i play my cards close to my chest. I don't put any more information out there than necessary. The people that have my contact information have it because i hold and cherish them as friends and family and i trust them to not share it. I know i wouldn't share their information with anyone. It's a trust issue. Then again, i'm talking about forwarded emails. This week, in the forwarded mails i received i gained the private email addresses for two County Sheriffs, my dad's boss, three policemen, the assistant railroad commissioner, a priest from our old diocese, and a whole host of names and email addresses of people i have met over the years. While the vast majority of these people are just plain old good people, it only stands to reason that there are some that aren't. So, i'm asking each of you, avoid the possibilities and delete the old recipients from those forwarded emails. Fact checking for the ones that fact checking would apply to would be better, but at the minimum, you owe it to your friends to delete their addresses off before you send it on. Remember, i rarely send on a forwarded email, but when i do i remove the prior recipients and i do it for you, all i'm asking is for the same consideration.
One more thing, If you don't smoke, drink, or work as a consultant, don't ever complain to me about how much you pay in taxes.
My next post will be a happier one, i promise.
Till then, enjoy each other, Dave
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Chasin' the Dogs Off with a Stick

Friday, June 11, 2010
Hotdogs and Nutella
I remember cooking dinner in my thirties and wondering what the big deal was with all of the people i heard complaining about always eating the same old things every night for supper. I thought, hell as long as i can get my hands on a chicken i'll never be one of those. Alright now, slow down a minute, you know what's coming, so wait for it. Gasp and Swoon!!! I have become one of those that i swore never to be!!!
Okay, so Thursday night the boys asked what was for supper. This question comes at me so regularly you'd swear it were an illness from elementary school in January. So, being the guy i am, i quipped back, "Hot dogs and Nutella". And a great silence fell over the land!! Well, for about five seconds anyway. Then, the little one asked me if he could toast his bread. Okay, Tilt, at that, overcome with a sudden out of body experience, i considered whether or not one should toast the bread. Now while in deep contemplative thought and with my head still spinning and my ears buzzing off of my head, the big one asked if he could still have hot sauce with that???? Holy Shit Batman, how the hell do you spell aneurysm??? Toast, nutella, hot dog and hot sauce???
Suddenly, i remembered Pizza Hut. Travesty averted. Oh, and yes, the big one did get his hot sauce. I guess it's time for me to go back to the beginning and remember how i began ruining chicken dinners in the first place. Who knows, i might even get inspired to do something radical like cut one up for myself again.
You know i am thankful for the entertainment i have surrounding me daily, but i sure do miss the wonder and mystery of cooking when it was new.
Until next time or Chicken A La Nutella, Y'all enjoy each other, Dave
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Make that Fifteen for Bucketface
I'm going to stray from my narrative briefly, but i hope at least one of you can follow what i'm saying or perhaps even how i feel. For all intents and purposes, i'm a Catholic. I am not however a strict dogmatic Catholic and there are many notions the church has that i just don't hold in the same regard. If the truth be known, i'm about half Catholic and half Buddhist. At any rate i don't hold life to be man's dominion, but rather the dominion of God. That being said, (just to clarify that i'm not speaking of abortion) i am neither for nor against abortion. As with all things in life there are decisions to be made and repercussions surrounding those choices. As for what i am saying, God may not be overtly present in every moment of my life, but there are times when i know with a certainty that i've had help.
So, there i was with my wife and youngest son at the spring football game. My son, in the picture, was playing. He's too thin to be center, but he started every game this year, save the one he was out with the flu, and has already been given the starting center spot for next year. While it is true he's pretty much a big dumb jock, we have worked together to make him stronger and more academically sound.
This year was his Freshman year. Going in he had a history of being a "C" student and always on the verge of summer school for TAKS test remediation. I, like any parent, poured a lot of blood, sweat and tears into making himself more confident and raising his awareness that school and mom and dad are only temporary. I worked hard at convincing him he wouldn't always be a kid and that being grown up meant he was going to have to figure out what he is best at and what he loves to determine a career path. Over the year, his grades improved and he came up nearly a hundred places in his class ranking. I'd like to take credit for this but it wouldn't be fair. He did it. He was moved out of his normal English class and placed in English Honors/Pre AP. He has a wonderful written voice for someone so young and a grasp of story elements that amazes me. The only other thing he did that really stood out this year happened during the Track and Field season. He was the only Freshman from his school to consistently compete. Now before you think "hey, he must be fast" let me share with you that he competed in Shot Put and Discus. These are strength events. Although he didn't place a single time and this causes him some angst, most meets he was the only Freshman throwing against mostly Juniors and Seniors and the important thing to consider is: He was competitive.
He turns fifteen this week and after the effort he made, he ended the year as a "B" student, i pierced his ears for him. Which leads me to the point of all this drivel. I Love him as i do all of my children and i do anything i'm able to help them realize those things they want as long as they seem reasonable and their rationale is sound. The only question i've ever had, other than am i doing all i can, is do they understand why i'm so hard on them and am i a positive influence on their lives?? (So that's like three questions, but it's my blog and i can cry if i want to.) Then just when i think i'm beginning to see my kids pull away from me, God drops by to let me know what's really there. Rarely is there an instance when i can share these moments of grace with anyone. However, there was one of those moments of grace at the end of the game the other day and Donna caught it. Maybe God caught it. Who am i to say? All i know is the result is the following picture and there are no words needed to know
A Note to my Son:
Son, I don't give a hang if you are a Model, Wrestler, Actor, English teacher, or Tattooist in this life. Ultimately, i only want your life to be rewarding and for you to be happy with the "Skin you are in".
I Love you Bucketface, Happy Fifteen
To the rest of you, that's all the sap i have at this moment. My tree has once again gone to winter. Until the next time we meet, take a moment to notice the grace in your world
Be Very Well My Friends, Dave
Friday, May 21, 2010
Bi-Polarism and the unresolved symptoms
I hope that y'all are doing well and you haven't had too much severe weather where you live. Save for a few fast moving storms the weather here has been pretty nice, but we haven't had the wind we look for this time of year. Ya see, when we aren't shooting up heroin or smoking crack (I'm Kidding Of Course!!!), we fly kites this time of year. This year has had the lowest average daily wind speeds, in our area, for more than twenty years. Which leads to some pretty miserable outings if you expect to fly that day. All things considered, it's probably just as well in some regards. For those of you that don't know, i have, for brevity's sake, Bi-Polar Disorder. Now, in as much as I'd love to say i have a garden variety case and it's well managed, i can't. In true Greyeyes Family style, i am so far out on that branch, treating me is an exercise in resolve, patience, and forgiveness for my doctors, close friends and family.
I have been battling, as of late, with the thought that we will never find a drug combination which will either arrest my BPD cycles or at least slow the rate of them down to a point where i will be able to return to some sense of the life i once lived. I'm reasonably sure someone reading this will tell me not to give up and advances in neuroscience happen everyday, but i have already been told twice that there are only a few meds left for me to try and i shouldn't give up hope, but i shouldn't be looking for that silver bullet either.
This subset of meds that i haven't given a try are the new anti-psychotics. I just love that term! Although, they don't call them that, they call them mood stabilizers today. Such a handy little euphemism isn't it?? Out go the anti-psychotics and enter the mood stabilizers. ACK!!! The problem with these pills, for me, are the side effects. I mean have you ever seen a commercial for a medicine and they list the side effects and while they are reading them off, do you hear yourself saying, "Geez! the side effects are worse than the disease." Well i know i have. In this, lies the problem. I need to supplement what i take now with a "mood stabilizer", but i want to avoid the major side effects and i just haven't found the right one yet.
This may seem a bit personal, but I'm pretty clear headed this morning and i thought i would put it down before i forgot what i was thinking.
You know there was a long time when i didn't put too much credence into BPD and the progression of symptoms during a lifetime. I remember a time when i went about a year without any extremes, neither up nor down. Sadly, that med combination only made it about three years before i, rather suddenly, nearly stopped responding entirely.
I have been actively treated for this for nearly fifteen years. Add to that a hit or miss, as symptoms arose dosing practice for another decade and it's little wonder why there are so few meds left to try. It's not all bad news though, as of today, i am nearly weight neutral. Trust me, that's a tremendous step. In the last fifteen years i have gained about a hundred pounds. It would make me ill if i thought about that part much. I have also managed to get my extreme depression under pretty good control. So what's left you say?? Only the anxiety, poor sleeping, and the ever present threat of losing control into a rage filled state. Okay, so i need a "mood stabilizer" that aids in control of anxiety, in sleeping, and arrests the bouts of rage with a minimum of weight gain and no link to type II Diabetes. I guess that's not hoping for too much.
I have a son going to a special high school next year and is in a program called Medical Academic, who's curriculum is specifically designed for kids who want to grow up to be doctors. Maybe one day he'll find my pill or your pill. At the very least, i would hope he never loses his kind demeanor the way so many of us have by the things that jade our lives.
I bid y'all a pleasant day filled with satisfaction and gratitude. Dave
Monday, April 19, 2010
Truculent @ 45
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A few notes on the Language
All of this has been merely prologue to a few of my personal pet peeves. These are in no particular order and i hope you get some kind of giggle out of these. First off there is "alot". Alot is not a word. It is two and as two it doesn't mean many or several. However, many and several do substitute for alot just fine. Next, I want to remind y'all that y'all is spelled y'all. The argument has been made that y'all isn't a word either and the only reason it is in the dictionary is for common usage. WRONG! If you want to blame someone for y'all, then blame Queen Isabella of Spain. She needed to unite her country and commissioned a man named Nebrija to write the first Grammar. It is in this the Spanish form of the, plural and singular(in some cases) second person pronoun (you) (vosotros) was set down and hence, y'all is ours through assimilation.
Which leads me to my favorite email of the week. Yes! i'm telling secrets out of school.
I received the following:
Dude like my bff and me was hangin at the park just kickin and like her genes ript omg so funny cause her azz wuz hangin out and everything can you sew up her azz call me
In a word, WOW!!! I don't know if they need a geneticist or a seamster. So, i replied to my little friend with the following:
Dude, If she's over eighteen and has a good personality, bring her over and let me see if i can get her under the presser foot.
Remember, it's not what you say, but how you say it. I wonder if she'll want quilting stitches on her azz.......Y'all be great, D
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Lactaid and the Humble Little Almond
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sort of an apology blog, an Ablogogy
Draft #1 It Snowed a Really Lot
It snowed. It snowed a really lot for here. It was beautiful.
Snow fall: Ten Hours, Picturesque Winterland: Seven Hours, Sunny and Warm Afternoon: TEXAS!!!!! Heck, that's really not all that cool. Once i saw a rainbow and a dustdevil while playing in the rain under a bright sunny sky. Now i'd like to see you top that one. It's funny though, some people wonder how some Texans pick up the habit of wearing a jacket with shorts. Really?? It seems normal enough to me, but then again i'm crazy so don't take my word for anything.
I loathe the way business panders to the consumer. I know this may not make any sense, but there has to be a way to convince people to buy your product without something like the Buger King. The Burger King is Kreepy or Kreepisimo or even the mostest Kreepiestest ad prop i've seen in my life. Every time i see "It" i want to pick up a ball bat, hunt it down, and kill "It" for the sake of the human genome. It would make me quite happy if i found out that "It" won a Darwin. But on to other things. The DQ chimp riding the dog herding chickens was cute and the Chick-Fil-A cows are pretty cool and the talking butter tub was alright, but you just don't see a lot of art in modern commercials. I believe it was Honda that had one a few years ago where a car put itself together from a stack of parts that was pretty nice, but i hate the ones with kids acting like parents or worse. Now, take the lowly Saltine Cracker. What the hell could you do to sell that?? Make a commercial with splashing soup in vibrant colors set to the tune "Rock You Like A Hurricane". It's beautiful. It is to me anyway. I looked for a youtube link, but maybe i'm the only one that thinks it's so great.
Typically we spend Spring Break at Canyon lake or in Alpine, that's the desert. Most often, the guys and I will go and spend the week doing knuckle-headed guy things and Donna will join us for the weekend at the end unless she arranges to get the Thursday or Friday off too. To begin with, this year was no different. Before making a decision on which route to take i knocked-up a friend to see if she was going to be in the desert that week. (Get your minds back where they belong, knocking up is a British expression for giving a ring, or a buzz, or a call, an email, some sort of making contact, and it is in this regard to which i speak) She said she would be there the latter half of the week. So, i made a plan to leave on Sunday for West, Texas, not to be confused with West Texas, to get some Kolaches and then on to the tail-race of Canyon Lake for some camping and fishing. Follow that with a days long drive to Alpine and a couple of nights there. Then we'd come home to be here in time to rest up and get ready for my Army Buddy to visit on Saturday. Well... Someone far more famouser than i once said, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans".
On Saturday, the night before we were to leave, my beloved Trooper you see pictured above developed an oil leak that prevented us from going anywhere until i could get my mechanic friend to look at it. Okay, Plan B: Make it up as you go along. Welcome to Spring Break '10
Since i had nothing better to do over Spring Break, i did laundry. (insert giggle here) As though laundry only comes around at Spring Break or something. Though it did afford me the opportunity to address a growing concern i've had about my big kids socks. As you can clearly see from the picture on the left, there is a problem with his socks. I always ask if anyone needs anything from town and generally i am answered with "no". I guess it's a good thing he didn't need anything from town, you know, like a pair of shoes or something. The funny part of this is, i wondered just how old the nasty damn socks were and as it turns out, those are the ones he got for Christmas. Christmas!?! What?? Three months?? Ack!!! Suffice it to say, new shoes, new socks, timer reset for the next round which should be June?? Give me strength.
Draft #5 To West or Not To West...
Okay, since Spring Break was a bust, i had to try and capture some element of it just so i didn't feel so bummed out. Enter that quaint little Czech pastry, the Kolache.
Just south of here, about thirty miles north of Waco on IH35 is the town of West, Texas. It's one of those blink and you'll miss it kind of towns, but at the same time you drive through it the kids are saying why is Koh-Latch and Bakery on all the buildings. Kolaches are typically made with dried fruits or poppy seeds. Oh, the poppy seed ones are the best. So, in an attempt to capture something of the trip that never happened, i made Kolaches. Yes, those pictured are mine. No, you can't have any they are all gone. Like i tell my local friends, if you want some fresh bread, you have to get here before my older son (the one throwing Shot Put above) gets home. I don't call him Bucket-face for nothing. And before you ask, they were Poppy Seed, Apricot, and Prune. Hey! don't snub the prune. You might even say it's a true multi-tasker and quite tasty too.
I hope you got a giggle or two, until then, y'all take care of each other. D
P.S. Next time i'll tell you why i'll never miss milk again!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Few thoughts on what i know.
These are in no particular order, i just put them down as they came to me.
1. Don't settle for something other than what you want. If you want Ro-Tel Tomatos, Del Monte Stewed Tomatos aren't going to cut it.
2. You can be as rich as you want to be in public, but you know how rich you are when you get home.
3. Girls lie, Girls make you feel bad, and Girls can do both at the same time. (If the sexist tone of this bothers you, change gender and see if it doesn't fit)
4. A glass of tea always tastes better when someone else makes it for you.
5. When a doctor gives you advice on the state of things, it is just that; Advice. What you do with it is your choice.
6. Nobody loves the way they look in pictures, just accept how you look.
7. If you like your car and it gets you where you need to go, it's good enough.
8. Nothing is too big when you do it for love.
9. When a child or a parent dies, they are never gone.
10. Rotisserie Chicken, Sun Chips, and Guacamole is the perfect meal.
11. Text messaging is for passing bits of information, Calling is for conversing.
12.Doing something unexpected for someone else makes you feel good.
13. Always have mashed potatos with english peas, the potatos will keep you from having to chase the peas all over your plate.
14. Some friends can be closer than family, they're not a replacement they're a blessing
15. Make time for the things you want to do, nobody else will.
16. Ultimatums rarely work out for those that make them.
17. People are who they are, either work within those parameters or don't, but change is not an option.
18. When dealing with life, the ability to compromise is important, but not as important as not compromising who you are.
19. Always leave room on your list to learn new things.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
...for this, I shaved??
On a better note, my Freshman beast child, a.k.a. Bucketface, is throwing Shot Put and Discus with the Varsity and he's competitive. So, i'm terribly proud of him. Right now he's battling acne, something i barely had, and the zinc alone isn't getting it all. Talked with a doctor friend that suggested a milk holiday as sometimes milk can bring about acne if you have a milk allergy. Evidently, you can have the allergy and still tolerate the milk. So to that end, it's Soy Juice for the kid. Bucketface is not the happiest kid in town over that, but he'll do anything for a clear face.
Further good news. The little one, Cheech, received a letter from the school district this weekend informing him that he had been accepted to the Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School. The really amusing part to this is the letter said that if we accept the offer, we'll have to fill out the application for the program and to just write "accepted" in the blank and mail the letter back. Maybe all of the lectures and redoing homework are paying off for him. I mean he's been in honors classes since they were made available, but he just doesn't get fired up about anything. Well i'm proud of him too. I told him today that you don't have to be a football hero to be loved, you only need to be yourself. He patted me on the head. He's my hugger, or in this case, patter.
Well, school and work return to our world tomorrow and i'll be back to my routine. I still need to get a battery for my car and replace my camera, but eh, i'll get there. In parting let me say this. I have made the dress that i made this time before and i believe i am going to retire it. She got the last one of those i'll ever make. Tomorrow, i'll check her closet and see what she needs and go ahead and make her something new for work. Someday, i'm going to get around to making me that poet shirt i want, but until then i'll just soldier on. Y'all be cool now, D
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
It's time to start the dress.
Well, I'm going with the empire waist and a very full skirt. It should drape a little heavy, but that seems to be in this spring, especially for her body type. I'm considering splitting two to four straps with them woven across the back and a sweet heart neckline. And, since I'm not a huge fan of sleeveless, it's probably going to get a full shawl. Both will be lined and all the trimmings, now i just have to get my butt in gear. It's for the 17th, so I'm not too worried about it. Now, the hard part of this actually turned out to be color. As i wrote previously, I'm tired of the little black dress, damn utilitarian wonder such that it is. So, i layed out the following, bone white, cream, a silvery gold, a copper, and a very pale olive. And the winner is........................BLACK!!!!! For the shawl, following black was easy, i got a gold lace and a lite gold lining and a cool little gimp for the edge. I have some lead crystal buttons that I'm going to use and I'll end up gathering the straps. All i have left is to find a gold trim for the dress, but i won't add it just for the sake of having it. It will have to work or it won't make the cut. As i get it going I'll see if i can't post a couple pics just to share.
In the meantime, be great and take care of each other, D
Sunday, January 3, 2010
My Resolution, Resolution.
I'm going to resolve to be a happier person. Should i become angry over something, I'll address it and regardless of the outcome, I'll let it go. If i miss my Rosary a day or two, I'll pick it up where i laid it down. When i get the person that hovers at the grocery store, I'll remember to smile when i say, "Hey, Scoochass back." When it comes to my growth as a writer, if i can't write at home, I'll just get in my car and go to the park and do it there. I'm just not going to wait on anyone anymore and I'm going to learn the word sorry. Out of all the words i know, sorry is the one i use the least and i probably should use it a whole lot more. I say that not only as "I'm sorry, i did that", but also as "I'm sorry, but i can't help you today."
Today, i am going to start my life. Sounds funny, start my life at nearly forty five, but that is what it is. I have things that have laid fallow too long. I have an Aunt that had a tremendous impact on me i haven't seen in over fifteen years. I don't know exactly how long, but I'd sure like to see her again on this side of the grass. I missed my first novel goal by about ten years and I'm through with that eating at me. There are others, to be sure, and i will take them on the same way i do everything else. For those of you taking notes, that would be head on, one at a time, left to right, top to bottom.
I bid each of you all the blessing of a new day and those things you so richly deserve, D
P.S. My boot heels where dug in, will stay dug in.
"I would give no thought of what the world might say of me, if i could only transmit to posterity the reputation of an honest man." Sam Houston.