Okay, for a little bit of house keeping before i get into what i will eventually get into. First, my best good girl friend had her twin girls last Thursday and they are beautiful. In fact, they are pretty enough to be mine. I think they'll get to go home tomorrow and i hope she gets them on a schedule pretty quickly, after all, she's only got two arms.
Next, I'd like to thank the dynamic duo of Painted Groove Girl and Lavender Chick for the advice on the dress I'll be making. You guys got my brain going in a direction i would never have thought of and "I Thank You". Though, i found three i loved and what I'll make will be the bottom of one, the top of the second, and the sleeves of the third. I mean that's fair right?? Of course it is, I mean it's no crazier than the Catholic School Girl outfit.
Lavender Chick made the news twice this time. In my best Scooby Doo, Old Man Withers' voice, "I wouldn't have had to buy a new coffee pot (Percolator) if it hadn't been for that pesky Lavender Chick." She wrote this wonderful little blog about replacing her broken coffee pot with a percolator and something in my head started working. I remembered what my grandfather said about smelling the coffee as it perc's and it just tasting better. Ya know, It is so much better it makes me wonder if there is a fan of percolator coffee group on Face Book??
Lastly, the Christmas cards are coming along nicely. I got the calligraphy finished and have most of the raffia part done. We managed to get a couple pics out of my camera before it died a hideous death. I was going to buy one today and blog about the cards, but maybe Santa is going to hook me up. I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's plans, so I'll just let that go for now.
Well, that's the news or the housekeeping portion of this. You might want to change the channel at this point if you have a weak constitution....LOL
I have always written. What I'm talking about are stories, poetry, journaling, diary (if you will), and letters. It started around age twelve and i haven't stopped yet. When the Internet came along i pretty much put down my paper journals and almost exclusively write online. I had accounts on a few different sites including the old Yahoo 360 where i had about five hundred entries. Of course when they closed that site and moved it to whatever it became i just downloaded a copy of all my crap and went back to paper journaling again. That is until, okay so she made it three times this week, Lavender Chick suggested this site. I am happy here. No one has said anything about anything i have posted, not that i have posted anything acidic, but it's coming I'm afraid. I go through spells where i end up annoying someone so, we'll see.
You know i have this compulsion to write and waited nearly fifteen years to complete my degree and still i haven't found what it is I'm supposed to do. I feel like I'm on one of those playground merry-go-rounds, but there is no way to get off. I just keep going around in circles. I'd at least like to say I'm dizzy or queasy or something but I'm not. If I'm anything I'm tired. I'm tired of being second in so many things. Now before you think this is about my children, i knew before they got here I'd have to put them first. I mean that's what parents do. I don't want to come off as a whiner, oh poor pitiful me or anything like that. I'd just like to accomplish some goals i have set for myself. Nearly ten years ago i hatched a plan to go to the San Jacinto Monument and just sit there with a pad and my pen and see what I'd write. To put this in perspective, i used to sit under the bridge there at Kokernot lodge, on the deep side of the creek and write. I did that from the time i was in about eighth grade right up until, the last time, just a few years ago. I wrote some really good stuff there. Very little of what i wrote there was viable material, but it was all good stuff. Now, i have been to Houston about a hundred times in the last ten years and not once did i get closer than thirty miles from the monument. Unless you count the time we went to see my Brother-in-Law's football team play in some playoff game. Yeah, that was cool, but... In 2003, I noticed just how close we are to the LBJ National Grasslands. Hey, now there is a place i bet i could go and sit and write something interesting. Well, in six years we haven't gotten any closer than Chinatown Restaurant on the west side of Denton. Even this summer while the guys and i were in Alpine I had plans of doing some stuff that would afford me a change of scenery and hopefully recharge the source of where i get the stuff i write. The last time i went on a little adventure i wrote "The Last Chapter". It was really good and something that is viable. I have since polished it up and am hanging onto it for my collection of short stories. Okay, just so you know, i have a collection of short stories, two cookbooks, a kids book, a trilogy and a stand alone novel all in the works. As i run out of inspiration on one I usually pick up one of the others. What i am afraid of is that i am going to look back at the end of my life and have nothing more than one hell of a collection of sentences. You know, Here lies Dave, He wrote good sentences...LOLOL I need a break, a respite, even if it is only here at home. I know I'm not alone in this, but i am asking for it. Is it all that unreasonable??
Oh look at that, times up Mr D. We'll have to pick this up next time.
You guys take care of Y'all, D
You are not alone. I'm right there with you, brother. Off to sleep. I don't get enough of it, but I'm betting I get more than you.