Okay, it's like four in the morning and i'm listening to Shania Twain. Don't blame me, it's what came on that stupid Slacker radio thing on my phone. Actually, I really like it most of the time. It's not that i don't like Shania, i was hoping for some Van Morrison. Anyway, moving right along.
A couple weeks ago my trackball on my blackberry stopped working properly and i ordered a replacement from Fonlogix (www.fonlogix.us) and in keeping with my fetish for all things Green!!!! I got my replacement trackball in green and the bezel to match. So, i guess you could say that i pimped out my Blackberry. Sort of anyway, when you add that to the three day battery i put in it, it just works for me.
Oh i guess first i'll tell you about my birthday shorts. In 2002 when i decided to go back to school and finish my degree to hedge against the downturn in the economy, the University of North Texas had some funny ideas about what courses would and would not transfer from Sul Ross. Somewhere in this, the Marching Band and my Military Record no longer satisfied my Physical Education requirement. Go ahead, laugh it up i know i sure did. You should have seen the face of the dean when i said fine, i'll just go out for football at 37. She didn't find the humor in that at all and suggested i take a class called Stress Management Through Movement. (This is a huge euphemism for "Yoga Class") More on the class some other day, but during the class a troupe of drummers and dancers from Ghana came by for a week. They were just too damn cool! They had all these chotchkies for sale to subsidise their trip. I bought a pair of purple and gold drawstring shorts that looked like someone had cut up a couch to make them. You know what?? They are ugly and i love them and i still have them. I hadn't worn them since last summer until this past weekend. When i went to put them on, i never untie the damn things i just shimmy them over my hips up or down, they were about ten sizes too big. I was standing there holding up those shorts and thinking who in the hell wore my shorts. So, i retied them and went to the bathroom and pulled out the scale. Dude, i am down 45 pounds from my physical last year at the VA. I don't know what i'm doing differently, but i'll take it. Now don't get me wrong, i'm happy with the skin i'm in, but a little less of me to go around would be nice as long as i don't have to participate. That's only due to having enough to do already without adding something else on top of what i already have.
Well, that's about all of the therapy i can handle for one night. Tomorrow, i have a meeting with UT Dallas about going back to school for another degree. Y'all remember that substitute teacher Mr. Zubia and how we joked about him having all of the degrees Sul Ross offered, well some days i feel like i'm on the same track through life. I guess i wouldn't feel this way if i'd only give in and either be a journalist or a school teacher, but yuk! That's just not for me, i'll leave that to those with the calling. Till i find mine, i'll just keep soldiering on. Y'all take care, DDD
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