Monday, May 6, 2013

Bucket's Heading On

Today is May 6th. In Thirty-Three days, my older son will graduate from Tascosa High School. I'm not sure what I was expecting this time to be like, from Prom to Graduation, but this sure isn't it. I had visions of a generally happy time in which there would be several conversations about what the future might hold for him and how to get there. Boy, was I living in a bubble!
Now, I do know he is experiencing Senioritis and certainly has fears about leaving the nest. These i'd consider to be normal feelings for someone his age. The thing i hadn't counted on is the moodiness that goes with it. Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but i'd love to brain him with a two by and get his attention. I'm sure he'll survive the transition, but will i have any hair left by then is the question. I'm a little short on that already!
I know i do quite a bit of complaining, but all things considered he's a good kid. He's principled, chosen a noble career, and has a great work ethic. I realize things could be a lot worse.
As you might have guessed, he's going to be a Fireman, Firefighter, Calendar Guy, whatever your euphemism, you get the idea. And in case you are wondering, YES, his arms and chest are that big. 6' and a bit and 230lbs! I was going to attach the youtube video of him bench pressing what I weigh a couple times over, but it's not sticking tonight.  He's a gentle giant that will succeed or drive me crazy doing it.
This one is for you Bucket!!! I'm proud of you and I Love you, but i can still kick your ass anytime i want.
Until i visit with you again, May Peace Be With You,  D       a.k.a. Bucket's Dad

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

48 Trips Around and I'm a Bit Dizzy!

This past weekend, I turned 48 years old. I know some people like to church it up and say things like you're only as old as you feel or so many years young, but i can't at this time. Honestly, for the first time in my life i'm feeling a bit my age and its given me a good shake. That's right, Shaken Davey Syndrome!!!
I don't know if it's the anxiety or the hormones or the meds, but something isn't playing well with others. My neck has all the characteristics of a Slinky, but sounds like a Maraca. My body unfolds like a rusty iron gate and i seem to have picked up a new symptom. I guess i got that as a present, cause the crap i live with now isn't fun enough. Now, when i lay down i have vertigo. Overall, vertigo isn't all that bad. I mean it's annoying, but tolerable. With that said, i must put the other piece that goes with it. It only happens to me when i lay down. Yep, that's right, when i lay down i have bouts of falling through the floor or of movement when i'm not moving. Freaky Huh?? The solution is probably a simple one. You know, quit smoking, lose a hundred pounds and stop getting irritated at people. Yeah, i could do that, but i'm pretty sure i'd spontaneously combust in the grocery store. All this aside, i really could be a lot worse off. So, enough whining for now.
For my birthday, my oldest and dearest friend in the whole wide world came up for the weekend. It was amazing having the Sarge around the guys for the weekend. They didn't know whether to scratch their watches or wind their butts. It was great fun.
I'm thinking the calendar is beginning to bite him in the ass too. I actually watched him sit in a chair and be comfortable not doing anything. What's even more surprising than that is he layed on the couch and watched a movie from start to finish without getting up to walk around.
When we made plans for him to come visit, he had only one request and that was to take us out for a steak dinner on him. He said about a million times, "find a good steak joint, i wanna take y'all out". So, we put out the feelers to the locals and got two options: Hoffbrau or The Big Texan. Since Hoffbrau, at best, is a B- steak joint, we opted for The Big Texan. (authors intrusion: I could write a good half dozen posts on this place) What i will say is this; he ate half his steak, she ate half of hers, i ate the horn and the strip around the bottom of my prime rib and gave the eye to my big kid. No, the portions weren't too big (though ample), it's that it became a labor to eat. Who ever heard of prime rib that is tough at a steak house that is nationally ranked?? I felt bad, so i made him ribs the next day.
Well, he went home and life returned to what it is. It was a pretty good birthday all things considered. I mean nobody blew anything up or had their compound stormed or was caught up in a mass shooting. I have to admit with all the history of April 19th, i'm pretty happy when nothing overly horrible happens on that day.
Now, onward through to the next...
Till i post again, Peace be with you, D