I had a friend ring me up today and ask if i really hadn't posted anything since May. Oh No, Surely not. Not me. Then again, maybe i hadn't. So, i did what any purveyor of the prose would do and i checked. Sure as hell. I had not posted a single word since May. What a cold calculated crime i have committed. (Roger, such alliteration!) It got me to thinking. Why haven't i posted anything for so long. The easy answer was, "beats me".
Later in the evening i was talking to my son and the damnedest thing fell out of his mouth. He said, "Dad, nobody likes your politics". Leave it to a kid to point out the obvious. I realized that my politics and facebook have really been eating me up. That's not true, i have been allowing dissenting opinions on facebook to eat me up. I don't know. Perhaps i am crazy and i should keep my big mouth shut, but it drives me bugnuts to know that someone who draws food stamps and collects SSI and has four children under ten votes Republican and calls me an idiot because i don't see ObamaCare as a bad thing or a wall between the U.S. and Mexico as a good thing. FYI, this person also told me that Hadrian's Wall, The Great Wall of China, and the Berlin Wall all failed because they weren't American. That's when the propeller on my beanie flew off. There is one other part to this, i know three people that have reported to have received a health insurance rebate check due to the changes under ObamaCare and two of those people are still complaining about the new law. Yes, as far as i know they did cash those checks. Doesn't it seem counter intuitive?? Well, maybe not. After all, i'm crazy.
Another of my favorites is that Obama is a Fascist and a Socialist. Wow, really?? I'm pretty sure Dr. King (Not Martin Luther King Jr, she looked more like Lilith Crane from the show Cheers) didn't put those two together in my freshman Political Science class. Again, just one of those things that makes my head buzz. Then there is Sherriff Joe Arpaio and his Posse. Oh Brother, the only thing this man likes better than the sound of his own voice is the sound of his voice on TV. Now, here again that may just be my crazy brain talking, but i have met the man and worked in law enforcement in Arizona. Loved the pink stripes and the chain gangs, but the spoiled bologna sandwiches and his investigation i can live without.
Then there is the one about Obama taking away gun ownership. Oh please, with the amount of gun lobby money that is pumped into that hamlet known as DC every single day, there is no way guns will be outlawed. Though for the record, i am in favor of a ban on assault weapons. Something even Romney signed into law in his own state. Here again, why aren't my die hard Republican friends seeing Romney's actions as a gateway to a total abridging of their freedoms?? Head still buzzing!!!
A couple of days ago, i posted a post from a friend about Elizabeth Warren talking about the Social Contract Americans have and two people publicly called me on it. That i don't mind. They had their say and i had mine. It's a public discourse. One of those things this country was founded on. What i did mind was the twelve (12) instant messages i got telling me i was anti-American and stupid and basically i needed to kill myself cause i'm too ignorant to breathe. Well poo poo on them. I would still like to see a presidential ticket with Elizabeth Warren and Caroline Kennedy on it. Both are strong intelligent women that don't make excuses or pander to the good ol' boys by way of some caricature of the naughty librarian.
Lastly, for now, there is this whole Chick-Fil-A flap going on. Who gives a rats ass if they don't like Gays and Lesbians. That is their right. Do i agree with it, hell no, but here again it's part of what makes our country unique. The head buzzer in this is i know two people who have gay friends and purport to support their right to live openly and freely with all the rights and privileges as everyone else, but have signed up for the support Chick-Fil-A day on August first. You know, in all honesty if Chick-Fil-A had put that they stopped putting muppet toys in their kids meals because the money was going to the Gay and Lesbian Association Against Defamation i'd have been cool with them. However, when this good Christian company said the toys had been recalled because they may potentially harm a child it seemed too much like lying. Wait, aren't Christians supposed to not lie as in the Ten Commandments?? Yep, head still buzzing.
At this point, i still don't know who i'll vote for and i'm not selling either of these men to anyone. If i have any agenda at all it's to make people think, to read, and to get out there and vote the way they want. A democracy with as pitiful a voter turnout as we have is no democracy at all.
I'll make no apology for this post and as always, may peace be with you. D