Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ramblin' Bamblin"

Ordinarily, i'd say let's go to the Waffle House and get some breakfast, drink coffee, and talk treason until dawn. This just isn't reasonable because i'm wherever i am and you aren't. You are where you are and most likely asleep. In lieu of that, i figure i'll just sit here and see what bubbles to the surface.
It's about three thirty in the morning and i just got the last glass of ice from the bag in the freezer. Add to that a fresh can of caffeine free Dr Pepper and a BC Powder and many of you can envisage the scene. I'm here at my desk; sipping, puffing, and playing with my moccasins with my toes.
It's been bugging me that i set a goal of twenty-six postings for this year and i'm only at twelve with three quarters of the year gone. I'd like to think that my postings happen organically and are in no way forced. Then again, i'm reminded of the previous posting that was anything but organic. Or wasn't it?? It did indeed occur from those elements that bubbled up while writing it. In some regards though, i would say it was forced. I was feeling the pressure of not meeting my own goals and i had a couple of friends ask me to post something, so maybe it was. I'm not sure and i guess i'll have to leave it as it is.
It's not like i don't have anything i want to write about. I have a list that is only rivaled by my grocery list and Santa's. I've been threatening for months to write one about my Aunt. She is a beautiful lady that has been a parent, a friend, and a great influence on me. While it is a bit scary writing about one of your friends or relatives, it can be very rewarding in a sense of tribute or sharing with the world how wonderful these people are.
It's not just people either. I drive a 1991 Isuzu Trooper. It's a big square chunky refrigerator box of an SUV built before they attempted to make them comfortable. It's ugly, the paint is faded and chipped, the seats are like a wooden chair and the carpet is horrifyingly dirty. (and NO, a steam cleaner won't help) However, for everything it isn't, my Trooper is two or three times over.
Then somewhere in there i'm hoping to find my silliness again. I just haven't been silly in a while and that's starting to bug me too. Hell, i'm probably on the downside of a Bipolar swing or something. I probably shouldn't joke about it as it sounds like self pity, but if you can't smile with the bad, why smile with the good?? I found out last week the celebrated football coach Vince Lombardi was Bipolar. Maybe i should have been a football coach. Hmmmm, nah, the cord on the whistle would mess up my hair too much.
At any rate, there's a meeting of the Married Single Parents Association in a few hours so i should try to pass out.
I certainly hope you are all doing well and that the Autumnal breezes find you soon.
Until i write again, Peace be with you, Dave

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stick a fork in Me: formerly Back by popular demand

Okay, so it's been a while since i sat to write anything. I've even had a stalker or two, casually comment on my absence. I do appreciate the attention and i certainly hope i don't let you down. One thing though, don't forget, you get what you pay for.
I'm not overly gabby these days. It's quite possible that my son's football is taking its toll on me. Then again, my younger son and his FFA is a concern,but not quite as bad. Let me attempt to clear this up a bit. When it comes to football, he's attending two games a week. I thought the UIL had rules about this, but what do i know? I'm just a housewife. Honestly, i don't see how he's going to be out that much and be academically successful. Time will tell, but it's a burden knowing everything. Then the FFA thing. Last year, the cost of a hog was 190USD. Much to my surprise, this year it is right at 400USD. What in the hell. Feed is twice as expensive too which equals something in the order of two hundred bucks a month for feed for a pair of hogs for eight. Sorry Zeke, i guess you are going to concentrate on the political side of the club this year cause the animals are out.
Okay, sorry, had to go meet the teacher. Someday, someone is going to have to tell me just why we do that. It's not like the teachers ever say anything other than i enjoy having BooBoo in my class. Though there was a high point, if you could call it that. I threatened to whack his AP English teacher in the head if she used "Took'n" as his physics teacher had. I have to admit. I use poor English regularly, but i'd never use Took'n in place of " have taken".
Ah hell!!! It has taken me two days and a number of hours to write this. I did manage to make the orange and black table cloths i was asked to make, but other than that i think i'm fried. By the by, those are organizational colors not linens for Halloween.
Ok, that's it. I'm posting this without editing. It is what it is. And for the record, i just found out that Mr Football has fallen behind in his classwork.

You know i love you more than my luggage...
Peace be with you, Dave